As a part of the scheme establishment of Nurseries by selected FPO is planned with the technical support of KVK’s of the area. FPO’s have to submit detailed Projects of Spices nursery in consultation with KVKS of the district. Establishment of these nurseries will help to find a solution to the scarcity of good quality planting materials of spice crops in the area. These nurseries are to be formed through collectivization of farmers efforts with the help of farmer producer organizations. This will provide a good avenue to produce good quality planting materials and foster income generation opportunities for FPOs.

An amount of Rs. 50.00 lakh is set apart for providing project based support for the establishment of nurseries for development of quality planting materials of Spice Crops with the technical guidance of KVK’s under KAU in the District.
Click here to download the working instructions of spice nursery scheme